Thursday, July 1, 2010

Camp 3, 14,200 ft!!

Sorry this wasn't updated yesterday, technical difficulties on my end. Here's what you've missed. Durny and Michael B. climbed back up to Camp 2 late Monday night/Tuesday morning. Alex flew out civilization and is back home by now. (Alex if you are reading, do you have an extra set of tent poles in your gear? email us if you find them) After a few hours of rest, the guides got up and led their crew on up to Camp 3 at 14,000 ft on Tuesday.

Wednesday's job was to go back down to 13,500 ft and pick up the cache that they had left a couple of days before an bring it up to Camp 3.

Today they'll carry a small load up to the ridge above camp that leads from the top of the fixed lines at 16,200 ft to high camp at 17,200 ft. There is some great skiing below the fixed lines all the way back to camp, so they hope to make some turns today on the way back down. The terrain above camp 3 is the best ski terrain on the route, and this is where they'll get the best opportunities to ski.

They are all doing great and having a good time up there.


  1. Glad to see things are getting underway for the team. The little rest may just help them for the rest of the climb.
    Melanie, your friends in Boulder, Pittsburgh and London plus other places are sure rooting for you and the team.
    Keep up the good work, but have fun.

  2. Durny,
    Mom & Doug say hey. Lib is due back from Europe on the 9th and headed to Portland on the 14th. Cheryl called from Florida and will be in the night of the 3rd to pick up Kiba. Have fun in the snow. We love you, Mom.
